December Meeting, Installation of Officers

Get ready for the VGMS Holiday Party! We will have the potluck, a gift exchange, installation of officers, and awards. Remember, it will be the second Wednesday, Dec. 11.

Doors open at 6 pm to start laying out the holiday bounty so we can eat at 6:30. Please sign up for food via our “whosbringingwhat” page.

We will be having a gift exchange too. If you’d like to participate, bring a hobby-related item in the $15-20 range, preferably wrapped. Please understand that this is not a white elephant gift exchange with gag gifts. Your gift should have something to do with our hobby.  We will use raffle tickets to draw names, and you keep the gift you pick (unless you agree afterwards to swap with someone). In other words, no stealing (although feel free to trade amongst yourselves)!

Finally we will have the installation of next year’s officers and any awards.

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